The end is here, goodbye Look. By being given the opportunity of doing this month internship, it has given me the experience and the knowledge of how much hard work I need to put in, in order to succeed in the fashion industry. Most of the girls who worked at look, all started out via an internship some were a month and some were several months and varied from being paid to unpaid. It has also made me more interested in the PR side of the fashion industry and hope to do something along those lines when I/if I get into University in London.
I went home on Friday, I travelled back with Aaron because I just of chance, remembered I needed my GCSE certificates etc for my two University interviews on Tuesday and Wednesday. I then travelled back with my friend Lydia, Jasmine and Rhiannon for a night out for Lydia’s 21st.
I was so happy to be home as my sister had her baby boy, Oliver on Wednesday so I was so excited to see him. He is gorgeous, what babies are not when there new born! It was nice to have a cuddle with him before heading back to London.
Heres some photos of my night out as well, I borrowed a dress from Lydia, its from Topshop, worn with black falmer knee socks.
I need to start preparing myself for my interviews at Westminster and Epsom now. If anyone can give me example questions that would be great 🙂 I have to do a maths test for both as there business based course and thats what I’m most worried about.
I think a pizza hut is in order for tonight. Thank god for delivery.
Ps: Tomorrow I will post my February wants, Ill give you a clue, You wear them on your head.
♥ Joanne
lovely post!
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