Theres something nice about a tidy bedroom, blinds half way open and the windows cracked on a sunny day.
I’ve ended up having to work every evening this week, as well as going into Uni. Which is tiring me out already. But this sunshine is not letting my tiredness get the best of me. I love it.


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  1. Joy
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  15. January 9, 2020 / 8:37 am

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  16. January 9, 2020 / 7:12 am

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  17. January 9, 2020 / 6:20 am

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  18. Kate
    December 11, 2019 / 4:59 am

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  33. February 19, 2013 / 11:35 pm

    These pictures are lovely, making me really wanting the lovely bright summer mornings to come even quicker now!


  34. February 19, 2013 / 8:21 pm

    very pretty photos, sounds like youve been very busy! hope you're enjoying the sunshine though!


  35. February 19, 2013 / 5:13 pm

    I'm way too lazy to tidy my room! Haha.
    Great blog btw, love it!
    Would be amazing if you could visit my blog too! Maybe we could follow each other as well if you like? Let me know what you think :).

  36. February 19, 2013 / 4:25 pm

    Sun always makes me feel happy, no matter what. It would be much better if I wasn't stuck in an office, only able to see it on CCTV, but here's hoping it's still about come the weekend!

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