When us Petite girls shop online and purchase over the knee boots.
We sometimes forget that the model rocking them is probably almost 6ft.
These Missguided “OTK” boots become thigh high boots on my short 5″ self.
I have to be very careful to not look like Vivian talking a walk down Hollywood Boulevard.
But put with a flowing swing dress and I felt very comfortable.
Showing no skin, and giving the impression that the boots are running all the way to your hips – can make you appear ‘longer’…
Thats why jumper dresses are another great way off keeping these boots casual.
T Shirt dresses also keep them very dressed down and acceptable
(I think) for a more casual setting…
Personally I wish I could rock the thigh highs and denim shorts look, but who am I kidding – I am not Kylie Jenner unfortunately.
How do you wear your OTK boots?