One of the first places we visited on our trip to Paris was Parc Monceau. 

On of the biggest parks in Pairs. 

And it was a wonderers delight.


Greeted by large golden gates, you instantly know that what ever is going on inside will be fun.

Kind of like the gates to Hyde Park.

You know how grand it will be…

We stepped inside a park full to the brim in the bright sunshine.

Not knowing if we should wonder to the left or right.

We decided to head right.


This lovely fairy tale-esque bridge sits to the left of the Park.

Perfect photo opp…

If you can catch no one on it of course.

Thats not all, time to keep walking.

Which brings me to these New Look shoes.

They have been my favourite pair of flats in a long time.

Heres some similar too


The park is full of locals and visitors reading books on benches, eating crepes or children playing in the sand pits.

It truly is a marvellous cliche.

You can’t help but stroll pass and smile at people taking a break from their day.

Parts like this just make me snap happy…


And on our way our, I fell in love with a blossom tree.

They have become my favourite tree in Paris.

Ive already made the decision that I want them at my Wedding. (too eager? maybe)


But they make for the perfect photo.

Even the man sat in the background, sums up the feel from this place.




Now let me warn you, with a skirt like this you can’t help but twirl about.

Pulling it from side to side.

People on the benches watching (and there were a few) must of thought I was mad.


In which case I’ve listed some of my favourite below;


Also how much of a bargain was this bag for £1.50.

Don’t forget Im still in Paris and you can come with me by following my Instagram here.





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