Wooden Toys For Garden Day’s


One of the best things to have come from this lockdown is the wonderful weather we have been graced with here in the UK.
I have come to realise the best toys for the garden are wooden toys. They are hard lasting, they don’t get too hot like plastic toys and they tend to be so imaginative and stylish. There is just something so special about wooden toys.


(now on sale) // (also on sale)


For some reason, the days just seem so much better if you have spent it outside soaking up some vitamin D.

I have come up with many things to do to entertain Pollyanna and Alfie and out of them, all the garden play is my favourite. Mainly because I get a little bit of sunshine while playing with my children.

I have found myself pulling out almost the entire house as the days go by but have come to realise that with a good selection of just a few toys, that’s all Pollyanna and Alfie need.

From Icecream shops, making pizzas, to pretend picnics, it leaves so much to the imagination and I have found Pollyanna to really be able to play on her own now, happily and contently.

I have rounded up some great wooden toys from . Simply scroll through to browse and shop.


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