Recovering From Emergency C-Section

As some of you may know I had a C-Section almost 11 weeks ago.
Ive put together my thoughts on an Emergency C-Section and how I coped.

I remember someone telling me that they didn’t know why there was such a thing as a birthing plan because things rarely go to plan. Now I don’t want to put anybody off who is reading this whilst pregnant, because although I ended up having an emergency C-Section and everything else before we got to that stage, I still don’t class my birth as horrendous as it sounds.
You can read about my birth here or watch the video on my You Tube here.


This post is not going to be tips on recovering because we all recover differently because we all go through things differently.
This is going to be more of my advice and explaining to you things I done to help my recovery.
My first piece of advice would be to do your research on C-Section, that was something I never did. When being rushed into theatre I had no idea what to expect – before or after.

My Mum always used to tell me to expect the worst and anything else is a bonus. I had such an easy and lovely pregnancy, I thought my birth would either go the same or the complete other way. I still naively didn’t think I would end up with a cesarian.



I selfishly had told Adam, what ever happens please push for a natural birth, I desperately wanted to avoid a C-Section.
However when you’re in the position and the doctors tell you that this is the last option, with tears pouring down my face, poor Adam felt helpless, knowing that this wasn’t what I wanted.
At the end of the day as long as the baby is delivered safely you shouldn’t care how it happens.

Just make sure you and your birthing partner have discussed what you want in regards to birth and pain relief, because it will all change when your in that moment.




















I never planed for recovery time really. I didn’t expect to not be able to jump out of bed when the baby started crying or not be able to push the pram and that made it even harder.
I found it hard to sit back and rest but I did. With six weeks of recovery time, I didn’t pick up the hoover, push the pram or even cook dinner. I done nothing apart from feed the baby and relax. I spent two full days in bed, after that I was up and about just not lifting anything apart from the baby.
We went for our first short walk after a week allowing Adam to push the pram whilst I walked by his side.
It took me two weeks to feel better and we started going out for lunch and dinners with the baby. I stayed in Maternity jeans until four weeks and found myself back in normal jeans by six weeks.

Everybody’s recovery time will be different.
Although I was up and about pretty early, the first two weeks were really hard. I felt helpless and most of all useless in the evenings because I couldn’t get out of bed to her quickly, Adam was still helping me out of bed until week three.




For six weeks I can honestly say I didn’t feel hungry once. I ate dinner still every day and I certainly snacked on crisps and chocolate throughout the day, but I never once felt really hungry.

I was lucky enough to have Adam who cooked us meals every evening and made sure I had breakfast everyday, otherwise I probably wouldn’t have ate.
So if you know someone who has gone through a C-Section the best gift to give them would be a lovely meal. Between dealing with the baby Im sure they will be very thankful.


We all probably looked after our skin differently whilst we were pregnant to avoid stretch marks. I am a firm believer that there is not much you can do to avoid them, if your skin is meant to have them, you will get them.
I used bio oil occasionally and I never ended up with one stretch mark so dealing with a now 6cm scar across my bikini line was difficult for me to accept.
I didn’t want to look at it at all. Another thing that was even better than I expected when I eventually was asked to look at it by my health care visitor.

When it come to looking after my scar, I stuck to showering, taking only one bath. I felt that showering was more hygienic, and I always used the hand part of the shower letting the water run down my body rather than holding it over the scar as I was scared of the pressure.
After a shower I would use a hairdryer to dry the scar, I didn’t towel dried the area for the first six weeks.


As I mentioned at the beginning of this post, everybody recovers differently and these were just a few steps I took. Weather they made the difference to my healing or not – it worked for me.
I would love if you could leave a comment below letting me know things you done to help your recovery.


Body, Missguided

(also come in blush)




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